Training & Talent Solutions

The Applied Learning Programs made available through the LIFT Network provide a mechanism through which the region’s 40,000 college and university students can apply their classroom lessons through immersion experiences with businesses, helping to build a pipeline of highly skilled workers with connections to regional industries while addressing existing project needs within those industries. 

As a University-wide resource that is tightly integrated into the Region's LIFT Network, the iNDustry Labs team is well-positioned to match your company's needs to a holistic array of specific resources for talent, productivity, and growth strategy available throughout the LIFT Network (and beyond).  

Applied Learning Programs hosted by the University of Notre Dame 

Project-Based Internships 

Project-based internships provide your company with access to a talented cohort of interns, who work as a team and receive additional direction and mentorship from enFocus. This structure allows your company to focus on the development of the region’s rising talent, while recruitment and management functions are led by iNDustry Labs enFocus Industry Innovation Fellows. Learn More about enFocus

Student Capstones 

Capstone Projects/Senior Design Projects are offered near the conclusion of an undergraduate’s curriculum. The projects often involve teams of up to five students, who  engage with businesses on industry-relevant projects. These Capstones offer regional industry access to talent ready to tackle their technical challenges. These projects are intended to be integrative, practical, and experiential, with the potential to assist in student placement after graduation. 

Programs offered in coordination with LIFT Initiative Partners       

LIFT Apprenticeships 

The South Bend- Elkhart Regional Partnership, in coordination with regional workforce education organizations, provides funding, program design and placement support to implement and scale work-based learning opportunities within your business. 

LIFT Skills Accelerator

The LIFT Skills Accelerator offers training grants supporting employee skill development and earning of industry recognized credentials and certificates.

LIFT Employer-Based Internships 

For those regional businesses who seek to fill specific roles with interns, the LIFT Initiative provides a service to recruit, match, and provide programmatic and housing support for talented students. Additionally, funds are available to subsidize interns' summer stipend,to help attract the most competitive applicants into the pool.  

Workshops & Training  

Further expanding the available resources for training and workshops in specific topics that are more pertinent to the needs of local industry,  LIFT supports events throughout the region in collaboration with community and civic partners.